Sometimes sweet . . . Sometimes tart . . . Always a slice of life.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Gobble! Gobble!

Although it’s Thanksgiving, it looks more like Christmas around here. It started snowing on Sunday and we ended up with about 6” of snow which is still frosting our yard and neighborhood streets. Our winter wonderland leads to the first thing I’m thankful for this year. I’m extremely grateful that my kids and their friends made it safely 300 miles across the state through blizzards and mountain passes to spend Thanksgiving at home with us.
I’m also grateful that I was able to get out of our driveway Monday afternoon to buy the turkey and the rest of the groceries for our Thanksgiving feast and that our power stayed on.
I have so many things to be thankful for, I’ll just list them. I’m thankful:
That my husband John has a great job, especially one that allows him to use his talents to make the environment a better place.
For two extraordinary kids that I like spending time with who are doing well in college. For all the great family and friends that we have sprinkled around the world.
That my family is healthy: my sister’s cancer is in remission, my brother has lost over 150 pounds and my parents’ diabetes is under control.
That I get to dance at Zumba with the Best Fitness Trainers in Western Washington and am still able to keep up.
For my pets: steady T-Bone and his sense of humor, Susie the lap dachshund who thinks she’s a big dog, Velvet the diabetic who I didn’t think would make it through Halloween, but is still lounging on her chair today, and Java, our ditzy manx, who is SO happy that Sarah’s home.
For my quilting studio, sewing machine, mountains of fabric, and time to quilt.
For the pilgrims who were gutsy enough to come to North America and the Indians who were hospitable enough to help the pilgrims survive their first winter.
For Thomas Jefferson and the rest of our founding fathers who came up with the best system of government in the world.
For our troops, ever ready to defend us and others who need our help.
For music, books, and movies to fit any mood.
For chocolate, tea, cougar gold cheddar cheese, shrimp, and steaks.
For my latest ability to qualify for a senior discount at two of my favorite stores, and yet get carded for buying beer at another.
I’m thankful that John is cooking the turkey this year in the grill we bought this summer. I hope that I’ll still be thankful for that in four and a half hours.
Lastly, I’m thankful that I’ve been able to watch the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day parade, football, and the National Dog Show while writing this blog on my laptop.
Happy Thanksgiving everybody! 

Laura Keolanui Stark is stuffing herself for Thanksgiving. She can be reached at

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